

本會以會員代表大會為最高權力機構;理事會為執行機構,並於會員代表大 會閉會期間代行其職權;監事會為監察機構;諮詢設計委員會為會務諮詢、 研究及推展機構。理事長對內綜理會務,對外代表本會。

Our organization structure and its respective function

The Members' General Assembly is the highest body of the authoritative power. The Board of council members is an executive entity, designed to carry out the duties on behalf of the Members' General Assembly when the latter is not in session. The Board of supervisors is the supervising body. The Committee of Consultants is to bear the function to provide consultation, research and development proposals. And the President of the VAROC shall be responsible for all internal and external matters in regards to the VAROC





Sources of our finance

(1) Membership enrollment fee and annual membership due

(2) Donations from the members

(3) Donations from other individuals and groups.